Thursday, November 16, 2006

I don't care why--just make it go away.

So, I saw Lister today. We think we've pretty much gotten everything out of the steroids that we can get. Thus, we are cutting them down to 75mg daily (I was up to 100mg). However, I seem to be having a GvH (Graft vs. Host) flare up again--my liver functions tests are elevated (showing toxicity from GvH), my platelets are down, my gut is showing signs of being attacked, and my sugar levels are off the chart (from the steroids), and I'm tired as heck. Since this GvH flare up is occurring, and he's pulling me down off the steroids, they have to replace it with something. Guess what it is? A CHEMO. Apparently, I get to keep my hair with this one, but it's a chemical that will be administered through an IV starting immediately--like tomorrow morning. Needless to say, this isn't helping my mood.

I hate knowing that if I decide to stop taking the 16 pills that I take a day, I will be dead in a matter of weeks. This is NOT what it's supposed to be like when you're 28 years old.


Anonymous said...

Stace, lo siento, te deseo lo mejor, ya lei tus otros blogs sobre not giving up, pero de todos modos quiero decirtelo. Tienes muy buenos medicos que estan tomando las decisiones adecuadas. Mucha fuerza y mucho animo, yo creo que esto va a acabar pronto, y estaras bien.

Te mandamos un abrazo muy fuerte,

Juan, Ari y Anna (la mare de l'Ariadna)

thefeather said...

Gracias, Juan y familia. Yo se que tengo que animarme, es simplemente que a veces "it gets the best of me" y es dificil ver el final. Hablando con amigos ayuda mucho y de pronto nos reunionamos todos algun dia pronto.