Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The offender

Current status: Ralph and I have officially changed health insurance to a company called Highmark and they have approved the treatment without pause (yes, the SAME one that HealthAmerica waived their hand at). I start treatment on Tuesday of next week and I am due for the transplant on Tuesday, November 22nd.

Something that's interesting/weird...when I get the transplant from "Lady X" her cells will begin to take over my body. I gather it's a relatively slow process, but the eventual goal is that I will be 100% donor cells at some point. It gets weirder: if there is ever a crime committed where my DNA is left at the scene of a crime, it may be mine or it may be hers. We will have the exact same DNA. In fact, there is already a case where a bit of confusion occurred.


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